Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Scams, Scams, Everywhere!


It takes all kinds. There are:

·         Web links that you click on, and something dreadful installs on your computer, with redirecting every time you try to go to your favorite website.

·         Email attachments that creep deep into your computer, hunting down your personal information.

·         Cute puppy or baby photos that have malicious software that gets installed and locks your personal files until you pay a ransom.

This has resulted in everybody having to be their own detective. Here are some helpful tips to increase your “Spidey Senses”:

Search Engines – when searching the web, pay attention to the web address. Most valid websites should end in .org or .com. Results that come up with a strange ending should be avoided.

Emails – before clicking links received via email, hover over the senders name to verify it is a valid email address. Scammers have gotten creative and can make it look like the email is from someone that you know. Don’t forward a suspicious email to anyone to review, it’s best to just delete it.

Downloads - If you’re downloading something off the web, watch for the word “Ad” next to the big download button – that one is fake. Make sure the download site is a reputable one. Before clicking on some tempting cute photo out there on the web, hover your mouse pointer and see where it’s going. Is it going to a place you’re going to regret?

Until SCAMMERS get a real job don’t be a crazy “double-clicker”! Use your “Spidey Senses” to protect yourself.

Further tips can be found here (it’s valid, we promiseJ).


Karen Cabana

Senior Computer Programmer

Finance & Information Technology Division

Clinton County Health Department

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