During National Infant Immunization Week the United States can be proud of a very successful infant vaccination protection rate. “The National Immunization Survey has consistently shown that childhood immunization rates for vaccines routinely recommended for children remain at or near record levels.” Unfortunately, this vaccination victory weakens with age. As adults, we have the lowest vaccination rates. So how can we protect our children and ourselves?

the recommended vaccine schedule. An infant who
receives the recommended vaccines will be protected from 14 vaccine-preventable diseases by age two!

Travel with peace of mind. Did you know that not every country vaccinates for every illness that they could? Click here to see if your family needs extra protection for your next vacation.
Be a role model.
As adults, it is just as important to make sure our vaccines are up-to-date as
it is for our children. The health and well being of future generations
depends on us staying healthy and not passing illnesses to children.

Protect! Give your infant the highest level of protection by continuing to follow the recommended vaccination schedule. Encourage family and friends to get their vaccinations too. Hopefully, we can all appreciate and expand our vaccine protection throughout our lifetime with these proactive steps.
Health! Vaccinate!
Karen Plotas-McGrath, RN, BSN
Health Nurse