Friday, September 9, 2016

Walk, Bike, and Roll

Complete Street with multi-use lane
What do sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes and paved shoulders have in common?  They all help to make our streets complete! If you have never heard of Complete Streets before, you are not alone. Complete Streets is a fancy term used to describe streets and roadways that are safe for all users – walkers, bikers, the elderly, the handicap, and even children.
If you have driven, walked, or biked down Margaret Street in Plattsburgh you may have noticed that there are now sidewalks, bike lanes and crosswalks with flashing signs. All of these elements make it safer to walk, bike, roll and drive. Complete Streets also encourage us to be more physically active as a community – something we can all use more of!

Not complete - no shoulder or sidewalk
Complete Streets are becoming an increasingly common practice. Today, there are over 85 villages, towns and/or cities, and 9 counties in New York State that have Complete Streets policies or resolutions. For more information about Complete Streets and to find out if your Town or County has a Complete Streets Policy visit:


HABs – Say Algae You Later!

Being a Clinton County native, summer notifications of harmful algal blooms (HABs) at local beaches are nothing new. Certain places in our ...