Monday, November 16, 2015

Happenings at CCHD: Public Health Nutritionist

This month's "Happenings" features KayLeigh Raville, Public Health Nutritionist.

I went to school for nutrition, completed a dietetic internship and passed an exam to become a registered dietitian (RD). Typically when people think of an RD they think of a hospital setting or someone who can help them lose weight, but when I finished my community nutrition rotation during my internship I knew I would work in public health one day. And here I am!

I work with Obesity Prevention in Pediatric Health Care Settings (OPPHCS).* The goal of this grant is to reduce the percentage of overweight and obese children in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, and Hamilton counties by working with pediatricians to change guidelines and policies.

How do I do that?

·        I complete chart audits at the doctor’s office to see what is already being done and what we can work on.

·        I provide trainings and resources to pediatricians and their staff. Examples of some of the resources are: snow man kits to promote physical activity in the cold North Country winters, MyPlate placemats to encourage healthy eating habits and scales to be sure the correct height and weight are documented.

·       I also help doctor’s offices become “Breastfeeding Friendly” by walking them through the New York State 10 Steps to a Breastfeeding Friendly Practice. To read more about the 10 Steps visit: To see if your Pediatrician’s office is designated as Breastfeeding Friendly visit:

I enjoy working with everyone here at CCHD and with all of our participating practices. They make coming to work fun and exciting! Although it can be hectic at times, I find my job very fulfilling. Aside from interacting with numerous people on a daily basis, I think the best part of my job is being part of something that can impact so many lives.  

*A grant funded by the New York State Department of Health

HABs – Say Algae You Later!

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